Our paddle page
Our equipmment
KayaksPrijon C359Owned and used by Maria, sometimes from Josephine as well.
 Prijon Dayliner LMeanwhile Stefans default boat, because the canadian will be sold and because it is easier
  to handle and transport for single paddling tours.
PaddlesMoll Yukon 230 cmMarias paddle
  we will place here more soon.
Life vestsn/awill be updated soon as well
Commmon notices
Rules at the waterWill be published soon
Weather and gauge informations
Current WeatherCurrent Weather and Forecast, published by German Weather Service (DWD)
 A more graphical version of a weather forecast, published by wetter.com
River GaugesAt Hochwassernachrichtendienst Bayern you will find the gauges for Bavaria
 The river gauges auf Hessia you will find at Hochwasserportal Hessen
 At least you will find the gauges of Baden-Wurtemberg Hochwasservorhersagezentrale Baden-Würtemberg
Pictures of our paddling trips
Will follow soon