Our sailing page
Sailing boats - what does that mean?
DefinitionsFor all who are interested in sailing we want start here with few common explanations about sailing and the used
 As you can read in Wikipedia. In opposite to the german definitions where you have a separation in so called Jollen
 and Yachts you will find here a bit different categories:
 A sailboat or sailing boat is a boat propelled partly or entirely by sails. The generic term covers a variety of
 boats, larger than small vessels such as sailboards and smaller than sailing ships, but distinctions in the size
 are not strictly defined and what constitutes a sailing ship, sailboat, or a smaller vessel (such as a sailboard)
 varies by region and maritime culture.
 Following the german basic separation Dhingies are able to capsizal, that means they can turn. That happens if
 the wind pressure is on one side of the boad bigger to the sail than on the other side the water pressure to the
 fin. The boats cannot sink because they have a lot of buoyancy, which avoid that they sink even they are full
 with water. All other boats with a bottom (in german they are called Kielboote) cannot capsizal because of a big
 weight in their fin or somewhere else under water. Beside there are so much different types of boats which are
 described very well in books or in the internet.
 At least all sailing boats have a similar built-up:
 • Hulk
 • Rigg
 • Canvas or Sail
 With the small sketch from german Wiki we would like to show the what is what. Sorry that it is in german, I
 was not able to find another pic which explain it in english.
 The hulk
 As written above we separate Boats mainly by the type and the form. Beginning with the used material for the
 hulk, which depends too if the boat will be used more for sport interests or just a family tour the boats
 will look different and will react different as well. Materials for boats are:
 • Wood (today quite rare)
 • Ply wood
 • Steel
 • Aluminium
 • Plastics (specially the composite built)
 If you built up a hulk in a classic way with wood, this will consists by a skeleton, where lengthwise connections
 will be built up with crosswise connections. The backbone will be built with the stem bar (german: Vordersteven)
 and the stern frame (german: Achtersteven). At the keel are the ribs connected. Further, to make the construction
 more stable you have some bracket plates (german: Bodenwrange). Lengthwise the stabilization will be done by the
 so called stringer. They are connected to the ribs (german: Spanten) as well. At the upper end of that ribs,
 they all will be connected with eachother with the so called Clamp (german: Balkweger), where the beam
 (german: Decksbalken) will be connected too. On smaller boats you will find the so called Mirror (german: Spiegel).
 [Source: OVERSCHMIDT/GLIEWE: Sportbootführerschein Binnen, Segel und Motor]
 The hulk can show different forms like for example (sorry about the german kinds and types, I did not find how it
 is called in english):
 • Rundspant
 • Knickspant
 • Katamarane
 • Trimarane
 • Spitz- or V-Boden and many more
 All those forms have a different influence on the water and sailing. Here the lateral plan, so the part of the
 hulk which is under water, has a central signifiance. It works against the sideway drift.
 Further you differ between different bow (front part, german: Bug) and stern (back part, german: Heck) forms
 (Sorry again for the german types):
 • Yachtheck
 • Kanuheck
 • Plattgattheck
 • Gerader Steven (Steven ist der vordere Abschluß des Bugs)
 • Yachtsteven
 • Prahmsteven
 The rigg
 The rigg (german: Takelage) is the standing rigg and parts of the running rigg of a Sailing Boat. More in
 detail this are the (standing) masts and the hemp ropes, which fix the masts (shrouts, stays), and the spars,
 blocks and fittings, when they are connected to the masts and spars, and the part of the running rigg which
 is needed to handle the canvas, but not fixed somewhere on the ship. Not part of teh rigg are the canvases
 itself and the sheets, even they are part of the running rigg. (Translation from the Definitions of the german
 The sail
 When you check in Wikipedia you will find the following definition of a Canvas/Sail:
 A sail is any type of surface intended to move a vessel, vehicle or rotor by being placed in a wind—in
 essence a propulsion wing. Sails are used in sailing. Depending on for which boat type a sail was made you
 will find really much forms and different types. But a good separation, specially with small boats is the
 main sail and the fore sail. Depending on the size the fore sail can be a Fock or a Genoa (this sail reach
 over the mast and is used when the wind is lower).
Tipps for your own sailing education
Sailing licencesOverview of the sailing licenses of the German Sailing Association (DSV)
Sailing licencesBootsschulen AquaFun
 We have no experiances with this school, just it is the nearest
Education pages and toolsNauticTools
Nautic lawsInternational Rules to avoid collisions (German: Kollisionsverhütungsregeln, KVR)
 German Sea Traffic Law (Seeschifffahrtsstraßenordnung, SeeSchStrO)
Pictures of our sailing trips
Will follow soon