I was born in June 1970 at the district hospital in Wasserlos (now a part of the town Alzenau i. Ufr.) |
This is a small village submontane of Hahnenkamm, the highest point of a mountain chain of the natural region |
which is called Spessart. I started my education, as usual in Germany, with primary school. With the age of 12 |
I transferred to the Secondary School at Alzenau i. Ufr. Finally I went to a technichal Highschool in Frankfurt |
which was called, I will use the german term here, Philipp-Holzmann-Fachoberschule for Agricultural Science. |
After I reached there my final degree (Fachhochschulreife) I went to the Military Service. As a fan of climbing and skiing it was always my |
dream to go to the mountain special forces. With luckand after I did a basic climbing training, I went 1989 to Gebirgsjägerbatallion 232 |
in Bischofswiesen - Strub (close to Berchtesgaden). My first idea was joining a hunting seminar, but it did not work, so I decided for some |
seminars to reach a seargant level in Bad Reichenhall and at the Mountain and Winter fighting school in Mittenwald. Because the periode for |
Military Services changed, I was able to start earlier than expected at Fachhochschule Weihenstephan and left as Seargant of Reserve. |
In Autumn 1991 I went directly to Freising-Weihenstephan, where I started studying Forest Engineering. After a while I noticed that Forest |
Engineer, which was my target during my studies, was not what I expect and beside the goverment decided to reduce hiring Forest |
Engeneers. Because I had a lot of fun at my student Jobs at LMU München, GSF (today: Sciencecenter for Natural Environment and |
Healthyness) and at practical training at the Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research in Davos, Switzerland, I changed my focus. At |
the begin of this decision process I just planned to find a job which combine my biological and mathematicatic/informatic skills. With the |
start of 1997 I left Freising with my final degree. |
Years of starting at the job followed. In our Family this was the time too, where my Grandma died and my father and my grandpa got sick, |
so my family needed a person who was there. Beside the house needed some renovations, so we started with it. This took us about 10 |
years until the house was lets say updated. Even this big investments and work, I realized after a while that the house will need |
always money and work and it will be never really complete. |
From an job perspective I started as an accounter, but reach soon to switch to an research department of an investment company. Here I |
got support and changed my biological skills to financial ones and expanded my IT skills. At financial institutes since around 2000 some |
changes started, which effected jobs a lot. I switched first to another bank before I decided in 2016 to switch to a company, which did |
financial services for banks. Meanwhile I worked as application manager for capital markets software and did even on-call services for |
nearly seven years. When I got artial fibrillation in 2021 because of some circumstances, where for sure stress was a part of it, I decided |
to switch my job to one without on-call. This time it was quite easy to find a new position a bank. With this job I am very happy again and |
looking forward to the oppurtunities I will find the coming years. |
More importand for me than the job was and is my own family. I married the love of my life - Paulina - begin of 2010. Our first daughter |
Josephine was born in February 2011. At April of 2015 our second daughter Elizabeth was born as well. Both are already at school and |
slowly their own way of life. We live meanwhile in the older part of our house and as described before renovating is needed again. |
Slowly I am thinking that bigger tasks should go to the next generation, but we will see what happens. |
My all time favorites are Hunting and Fishing. After many years doing some Martial Arts I decided to do something which suits better to |
my age. After trying a sports club I am back to what I found out during the pandemic - I can do sports best at my own small fitness room |
or I go biking, hiking, swimming or paddling surround my home village or at the location where our caravan is located. |