Some words about Germany and the Germans
Main intention writing such a page was and is, that we had and hopefully will have some visitors from philippines. Those persons, which
are usually relatives, grow up with a different cultural background and had in the past sometimes a hard time getting familar
with the surrounding, culture and food in germany. My focus is, because of that more people who are not from a western country,
even they will find hopefully something interesting as well.
German culture
When I tried writing about german culture as a person who live and grow up here I know a little about what I wanted to write, but
I cannot explain where it comes from or what the background is. Quite helpful was a book I found more accidentally - BORCHMEYER,
Dieter: Was ist Deutsch: Die Suche einer Nation nach sich selbst (Translation: What is german: The search of a nation after itself.)
Even the title describe, that for a german it is not so easy, to explain what is typically german. One of the hints in this book is
that the german area or even where in Europe people speak german, was divided to many principalities, countys, smaller and
bigger kingdoms and other areas. This was like that until around 1800 a. C. Based on this situation this areas had their own money,
regional laws and many other things which arrange the life for the normal people with eachother. Of course there was a very long
long time before the Holy Roman Empire but arround 1800 the people develop political ideas and the church and the aristrocracy slowly
lost the power they had over ages. Beside this ideas influences poets, composer and other artists and with their stories, music
and paintings cultural epoches from classic to romantic, which is still a big part in the heads of germans, but even in the one of
foreigner. I don't want to write a complete historical report about what happened after this, just would like to mention that
the two wars and specially the rise of the nationalsocialists and their barbarical actions gave even a big cut in germans own
understanding and identy. After this cut I believe we germans identify ourself more regional, like as frankonian, hessian, etc.